Sunday 13 February 2011

Deconstructing Film Titles

When you first look at just the tile "case 39" seems to be something to do with law or crime because you normally associate a case to such as a court case. However, the title is ghostly like which creates a sense of mystery and the film could be about solving a problem. Also by looking at the type of font you can see its an old type font which could mean something to do with the past and thus this suggests to me this film is an horror/thriller genre film.

The tile is clear, bold and in your face, this suggests to me the film is about something is coming. the title heightens anticipation as you don't know whats going to happen when the date comes. However, when you look at the image it you realise that this is a comedy film and the title has no significance to the genre.

When you read the title its as if someone is locked out trying to get into your house. The title seems creepy, the use of grey creates a gloomy setting and the red in the middle of the title could represent blood. Straight away you can tell by the title is a horror genre and when looking at the whole image you can tell.

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