Tuesday 15 February 2011


In our concept we have decided to go for a girl to be the antagonist. This is because we want to go against tradition convention of having a big bulk scary man as a killer going around killing/scaring people.

Here is the antagonist from the film ‘The Ring’. The use of a child here creates confusion because a little child is deemed to be innocent and peaceful however in this film we see the complete opposite. She is a ruthless and a very dangerous girl. Furthermore, her face is always hidden which makes the a

udience feel cautious about her, it’s as if she uses her hair is there to cover her face like a mask would.

In this film ‘Orphan’ they have also decided to go with the main antagonist as a little child. The reason why children are used is because a stereotypical view of a little girl is harmless. However, they like to play with audience expectations. They want to believe you to believe she is innocent but we find out that she also a very dangerous girl. The difference between this film and The Ring is that throughout the film she is conveyed as an innocent individual but she is not. Audience find it hard to know what’s happening and thus makes them more interested into the film. There is a sense of mystery throughout the film about the girl.

Using a young female child has become common recently in horror films, this is because they are mysterious. the audience don't know what to expect from a little child. they believe she is innocent and when the audience finds out she is evil they become more interested as to why she has become like that.

we have chosen to use a young female child similar to the films above because we think it will create the most interest from the audience. This research has made me realise that using a child has more greater effect than using a traditional big bulky man.

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