Sunday 13 February 2011

Applying the recognizable conventions of trailers

During this lesson we were grouped up and given the task on to promote and market a film called "Bloodshed high".
we was first given a blank storyboard sheet where we would fill up and use are ideas and apply recognisable convention. From our initial research we knew we had to put the production details at the beginning of the trailer as it allows the audience to know what type of genre the film is. This is done by the brand awareness which these company have created by releasing films. We decided to use twisted pictures as our production company as they are well known for horror genre films due there the success of other released films so when an audience see the production details they realise automatically that this will be a horror genre film.

Also we took in consideration of what actors to use. we know that actors do sell movies and so we decided to use a well established actor such as mega fox. we know by staring her in the film we will already attract some number of fanbase which will come with Megan Fox. Megan Fox fan will go watch the film just because she is in the film

we also know to that to make our film stand out from the other films out there is to have unique selling point (USP). After long discussions we decided that the film will be in 3D as 3D horror films are not common.

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