Thursday 24 February 2011

Creating production details

For my first production company logo I decided to keep it simple so it looked professional, my design was influenced by the twisted picture production company logo. This company does not have a specific genre it concentrates on. I wanted to use this production company to let my audience know this a quality first rated production company.

The Crazy picture logo on the other hand helps with the audience expectation. When they see this logo they will automatically know this based on a horror genre. I used red as it is a common colour convention in horror. The colour suggests fear, blood, etc.

Production detail research

One of the recognisable convention of a trailer is the production details. the production details appear at the beginning of the trailer, they are the most important feature of the trailer as they tell the audience what type of genre the trailer will be. Here are some production details which will influence my ideas and I will be using Photoshop to create the production details.

Editing the footage

After we completed our shooting we uploaded all the footage on to a computer and we then started ordering them into chronological order using the software imoive. We then started cutting out any bits which was not needed in the trailer and removing unwanted footage. Our target was to make a trailer for about 90 seconds long and so we had to remove some scenes which we felt was no needed. We started adding effects to some scenes, for example, we had to make part of the trailer representing the past so we added a black and white effect on it etc. Some scenes were very slow and we wanted to create a sense of pace in the trailer, we did this by cutting shots and showing the action from different positions.

Shooting day.

We started filming on the 10th of November at the first location which was the house. We waited till the day got dark so when recording it would create a atmosphere. For example because it is dark it will put a mood of evilness in the audience and a sense of mystery. For the house location we used one of our team member house (Micheal). This was a perfect location as it matched with our synopsis, and the mise en scene went with our trailer. We also had to make sure the recording was not delayed due to the cold weather. On the 12th November we filmed are second section of the trailer, this was at the second location in the forest. All our actor met up at a time we set and made our way to the location. We had some problems in getting our props and thus tried to adjust to the props we had.

reschudule/ change of location

We had decided a day and time for shooting our trailer but we came across a big problem. The location we initially wanted to shoot was occupied and we weren’t granted access to us. We had to be calm and organized, after lengthy discussion with each other; we tried to find a location which was the most similar to the initial location. After visiting the forest in Woodford we decided that our new location to shoot will be Woodford. The reason for this is it met the same requirement to our first location. We have now created a new shooting schedule for this day.

Final design title

we decided as a group that we would change the colour of the title from grey to green the reason for this is because all though the grey did represent to us the genre of the film, however, we thought that it would catch people attention because it was bit dull on the eye and so we added the green and also it goes with the film forest.

considering titles

we went for a design that we felt would generate a sense of mystery when the audience looked at it. we chose a dark grey colour as the title with black drop adds, this would thus create a sense enigma. the grey colour could represent dullness, plain etc. we wanted to challenge the convention and not just put red to highlight it is a horror genre. I think we have successfully created a title which by looking at it can give u a sense of what type of genre the film will be.

producing the title

We decided to call our teaser trailer blackwood forest. we then used the software to design our title. we wanted to make the title represent the genre and thus went to this website for fonts. The software photoshop was easy to use as ive had enough experience using it from last year and so didnt have much difficulties with it.

Here are some designs which we created together:

Organising props and costumes

When decided that our killer would wear a white dress when shooting. This reason for this is to emphasis that she is just an innocent young girl. We had many option in which ways we could get ourselves with a little dress. Buy a new one from the shops, she could use her own dress or borrow a dress from a costume shop. We decided that there was no point in buying a new dress for one day of shooting as this would be very expensive. We didn’t want her to use her own dress as it might get stains which may not be able to wash out and thus we went for the most cheapest option is borrowing the costume. I called up the drama department in regards of borrowing the costumes for are actors and also visited them in to allowing us to borrow the costumes. After discussing with them my intention they said yes they would allow me to borrow the costumes. I also spoke to them about the props we could borrow for the trailer, they were very helpful and allowed us to use any of the props and costume that was available.

Deciding the title

After my initial research on film titles I realised that all the title of horror films did not give anything away about the film itself, however give a little information of where it may be located. as a group we first came out with a title called Blackstone manor but then change our mind as the building we would use was with red bricks and thus we change the name to Redstone manor. After deciding the title we looked into more details of the location and thought it would be difficult for us to record at the site and so we changed our location to a forest and came up with the title Blackwood Forest. This title doesn't really tell the audience about what the film is about but just the location of the film and so this our suitable title for our horror Film.

Completed script

After completing the synopsis and the storyboard me and my team members started creating a script for the actors. we would give the script our actors a week and half before the shoot this is because the script is quite short and it wont be difficult to memorise it.

Here is the link to the script:

Shot list

while we was creating the storyboard, we started to create a shot list of every shot in the trailer. This would then help us to have an idea of how the shot may look like before we start shooting. In each scene we describe what was going to happen ansd what type of shot we would use.


After we created our synopsis we then decided to create an anamatic which would help us plan our trailer. This would give us an idea about how the trailer would look like. After each scene my group member decribed how the shot would be taken

Evaluation of research

Looking into other genres

In this lesson our class look into different films of different genres. I found that it easy to recognize what type of genre a film is by analyzing the mise en scene or the setting. This is because us as audience have realized that each of the genre have recognizable conventions which have been repeated for a long time to make them establish themselves as that type of a genre.

Monday 21 February 2011

Our synopsis

After our initial research, we then started to create our synopsis. 'The synopsis gives the audience quick summary about the film but doesn't reveal or give away anything.

Lucy Bower is a young innocent girl on her autumn holiday from school and is enjoying herself however every evening when the sun sets her body is taken over by an evil spirit; no one understood what it was. Her father has had enough of people talking behind his back about his daughters. One night her Father comes home from work drunk, he beings to torment her and accusing her of being evil and ends up killing her. After realising what he has done he drags the body of his daughter in to Blackwood Forest and she is never seen again. She was once an innocent little girl who was murder by her father. Her life turned upside down with abuse and pain and eventually death. However this is not the end of Lucy Bower.
Year’s later locals began to hear child-like laughter coming from the forest. People where being drawn in to the forest by the sweet childish laughter thinking a child is lost and needs help. Little did they know that the spirit of Lucy dwelt in Blackwood and swore revenge on anyone who entered Blackwood Forest where she lays? Resident’s notices that many people from the community have gone missing, locals state they last saw them last entering Blackwood Forest. Search parties where sent out to find them.

Tally marks made out from blood marks where the only thing that’s left on the tree to give the people any clues to what is happening. Blackwood Forest was abandoned by the local government and no one entered it again.
This is a story of how a little girl gets her revenge and takes out her anger on her community. You might have thought Lucy Bower was a goner, well you better think again.

Research into synopsis

A synopsis is basically a summary of what happens in the film. In today’s lesson I researched into variety of synopsis from different horror film. During this research I looked closely in what was required in a synopsis. This would then help me when creating my own synopsis for my film. Looking into all these synopsis I started to realise a similarity in all of them. All followed a similar convention of having a protagonist and an antagonist and playing with the audience expectations. Its as if the synopsis gives a glimpse of what will happen in the film without revealing too much a ruining the film for the audience. I also reliased that all the horror genre have sub genres attached to them such as supernatural, thriller etc. this task helped a lot into understand what a synopsis is designed for. It has made it easier for me to create a synopsis when its time to make one for my film. Furthermore, I realised that synopsis all contain the protagonist, antagonist stock characters and i have highlighted them in one of the synopsis I analysed.

Shooting schedule

Monday 25th October 2010 -
we plan to organise all the actors and set a date where we will all meet up at the location we set to record.

Tuesday 26th October 2010-
we arrange all the props and costumes to be used.

Wednesday 27th October 2010-
we plan to record on this day. we will meet at the location at 12:45 and we will start shooting from then.

Risk assesment

we had to come up with a risk assessment of the area we was going to shoot. so it was my duty to ensure everything was assessed and safe for the public and our crew. I did this by visting the location several times and analyzing what dangers the shooting staff and the actors could face. I also used this website for researching into what was safe when recording and what wasnt :

Here is a summary of the risk assessment:

Questionnaires results

Target audience

  • · 15+
  • · Male and female
  • · Interested in horror genre
  • · Interested in technology , social networks
  • · Allowance of more than £10 + a week
  • · May have a part – time job or volunteer

Charlie is 16; he lives in the city with his mum and dad in a two bedroom house. His mum doesn’t work, while his dad is a cab driver. In his free time, Charlie likes going out with his friends to the cinema on a weekly basis and spends around £5.60. He has his own laptop at home which he uses to keep up to date with his social life and what’s happening around him.

Saturday 19 February 2011

Element of horror genre

I also did further information into the horror genre and found out some key elements which is necessary and should consider when I start planning and creating my very own horror genre trailer.

Wednesday 16 February 2011


I wanted to find out more about my target audince and their understanding about horror genre. I wanted to know the opinion my target audience and what they felt was good about the horror genre and the bad points. I wanted to use this information to aid me when planning my own trailer. I would take into account carefully what my target audience felt as they are the ones who would be viewing my trailer.

Here is the copy of the question my group came up with. we will be giving the to our target audence to fill in :

Tuesday 15 February 2011

Research into certification

As my film is going to be certified as a 15 + I have to do some research into what isn’t allowed to be shown in the trailer. To do this I visited the website and gain my information from here.

In my trailer I’m allowed:

“Strong threat and menace are permitted unless sadistic or sexualised.”

“Nudity may be allowed in a sexual context but without strong detail. There are no constraints on nudity in a non-sexual or educational context.”

“Violence may be strong but should not dwell on the infliction of pain or injury.”

“Drug taking may be shown but the film as a whole must not promote or encourage drug misuse.”

These are some example which is permitted for a 15+ trailer which I will have to follow when creating storyboard.

Music / sound

Without music and sound effect horror films would lose its power to create any suspense or tension. The most effective tool used to frighten the audience is the use of music. Just imagine any horror film, where this a dramatic part if you mute the sound you would realize that the scene isn’t scary at all. Music plays a very important role in creating a successful horror film.

The most common type of music used in horror is orchestral music. This type of music has been used since the genre was made. The reason for the use of orchestral music is that it allows us to or send out emotions in a better or effective way. You are able to use variety type of instruments to create your very own mood which is suited to the film. However, the use of an orchestral has fell due to new technologies. For example people are able to create music on a pc with software such as fruity loops etc. due to technology people are able to use virtual instruments to create their very own music.

We have decided to use a child as our antagonist and thus I will go through horror trailer which also use little children and see what the similarities are and the difference which will then help me when making my horror trailer.


In our concept we have decided to go for a girl to be the antagonist. This is because we want to go against tradition convention of having a big bulk scary man as a killer going around killing/scaring people.

Here is the antagonist from the film ‘The Ring’. The use of a child here creates confusion because a little child is deemed to be innocent and peaceful however in this film we see the complete opposite. She is a ruthless and a very dangerous girl. Furthermore, her face is always hidden which makes the a

udience feel cautious about her, it’s as if she uses her hair is there to cover her face like a mask would.

In this film ‘Orphan’ they have also decided to go with the main antagonist as a little child. The reason why children are used is because a stereotypical view of a little girl is harmless. However, they like to play with audience expectations. They want to believe you to believe she is innocent but we find out that she also a very dangerous girl. The difference between this film and The Ring is that throughout the film she is conveyed as an innocent individual but she is not. Audience find it hard to know what’s happening and thus makes them more interested into the film. There is a sense of mystery throughout the film about the girl.

Using a young female child has become common recently in horror films, this is because they are mysterious. the audience don't know what to expect from a little child. they believe she is innocent and when the audience finds out she is evil they become more interested as to why she has become like that.

we have chosen to use a young female child similar to the films above because we think it will create the most interest from the audience. This research has made me realise that using a child has more greater effect than using a traditional big bulky man.