Tuesday 22 March 2011

The Official trailer : BlackWood Forest

Evaluation Question 4.

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

To review the effectiveness of the teaser trailer and to evaluate my trailer I went out to gather audiences feed back of the trailer. I started off by uploading the trailer to YouTube and then I posted the link up on Facebook for initial feedback. The reason I did this is because majority of our target audience have a Facebook account.

This was a very effective way in which I received very good comments about the trailer. there were many aspects of the trailer the audience liked and disliked which we can change when finalising the trailer. One common aspect that came up was that the quality of the camera was very low. This may have of been because the quality reduced when converting into YouTube so it will not be a problem when finally released.

There was very positive feedback from the audience about the trailer although there is a lot that can be improved in this trailer. People praised the use of music to create a sense of suspense and worked effectively with trailer.

Many did give us feedback on how we could improve the trailer which we will take on. This person here gives are very good feedback about the trailer, and how we cold improve the titles and so when finalising the trailer we added a voice over to create more impact.

Although this was very effective for audience feedback I wanted to gain a more knowledge and understanding what the general public thought of the trailer and thus interviewed our target audience. This would thus put me in a better position to when finalising the trailer.

From the feedback I received I would say my trailer was successful in engaging the audience and wanting them to go to the cinema to watch it. Many praised the use of sound in creating suspense throughout the trailer. They also liked the choice of location. They praised the quality of the trailer saying it actually looked like it was a professional trailer this means that we successfully followed the convention of trailers. However, there are some points in the trailer which the audience gave us ideas to improve. For example they did say that the title was missing something and needed something to put more emphasis in it. They told us a voice over would be a good idea. The feedback I have received puts me in a good position to edit my trailer and make a very good final product.

From the feedback I received I would say my trailer was successful in engaging the audience and wanting them to go to the cinema to watch it. Many praised the use of sound in creating suspense throughout the trailer. They also liked the choice of location. They praised the quality of the trailer saying it actually looked like it was a professional trailer this means that we successfully followed the convention of trailers. However, there are some points in the trailer which the audience gave us ideas to improve. For example they did say that the title was missing something and needed something to put more emphasis in it. They told us a voice over would be a good idea. The feedback I have received puts me in a good

position to edit my trailer and make a very good final product.

I also created a fan page on facebook for the campaign this would thus give me more feedback about what the audience thought about the trailer. They would be able to comment on status's and on the trailer it self.

Evaluation question 3

Evaluation question 2

Evaluation Question 1.

Sunday 6 March 2011

The Final poster

This is the final changes of the poster, I decided to change the design as I thought the initial poster was missing something. it looked a bit dull and not eye catching enough. when I looked closely into other film poster I realised they all looked scary and eye catching. The main character was at the centre of the poster and so I followed the design.

Voice over

After some feedback from the audience we have decided to add effects on the credits as our audience was saying something was missing from it. we decided to use non-diegetic sound of someone voice to repeat the credit we also then edit the voice by digitally manipulating the voice. we edited the pitch and made the voice sound deeper this creates anticipation to the audience as the voice sounds scary and menacing. Here is where we used the voice overs: